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Mobile Laboratory Vehicle

Health screening vehicle designed as per customer requests has features below
Room walls covered with heat and noise isolation material
Cupboards, tables, and drawers made of foamboard material at convenient spaces in rooms
Independent heater system suitable with vehicle specifications
Independent air conditioning system in all rooms
Water resist, antibacterial floor coating on whole vehicle floor
Automatic hydraulic fixing and leveling system functions when vehicle is parked 
Telephone system enabling communication between rooms 
External 220 volt electricity input, extension cable and internet sockets
Clean & waste water tanks, water fittings installation
Travelling seats and resting areas for staff
Laboratory workbenches having antivibration feature and durable aginst asits
Conditioning system over tables
Washbasin system and accessories
Laboratory section equipped with pure water device, blood counting device, urine analysis device. Incubator, centrifuge, microscope, cooler, various laboratory materials
Patient examination coach and accessories
Lift system for handicapped patients